Doctors Online - Medical and Health Care Experts: General Anesthesia - The Drawbacks

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

General Anesthesia - The Drawbacks

In modern time, generally the patient takes for granted the usage of anesthesia by the doctors, in order to curb us from the painful experience during surgery. But it had not been this simple before. A several years of experimentation has gone, which even led to deaths and some horrid results before invent of safe anesthesia.

The first usage of anesthesia was done in 1982 by Dr. Crawford W. Long of Athens, Ga during an operation. It came into prominence in the year 1844 by Dr. Horace Wells, a dentist of Hartford, Conn., as he inhaled the gas to painlessly extract his tooth. A lot of care needs to be administered while using any form of anesthesia, be it general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

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