Angiography is a technique of examining the internal organs of the human body. Normally during the angiography procedure, veins, arteries and heart chambers are normally scrutinized. The angiography process can be divided into many types like cerebral angiography, x ray study blood vessels, pulmonary angiography, coronary angiography, kidney angiography as per the patients' requirement.
One of the most common types of angiography is Coronary angiography. It is done to envisage the blood in the coronary arteries. In this form of angiography a long, thin, flexible tube called a catheter is utilized to manage the x-ray disparity agent at the desired area. It is then beaded into an artery in the groin or forearm.
One of the most common types of angiography is Coronary angiography. It is done to envisage the blood in the coronary arteries. In this form of angiography a long, thin, flexible tube called a catheter is utilized to manage the x-ray disparity agent at the desired area. It is then beaded into an artery in the groin or forearm.
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