Doctors Online - Medical and Health Care Experts: Is Anaemia Affecting Your Pregnancy?

Sunday 29 May 2011

Is Anaemia Affecting Your Pregnancy?

Anaemia is a condition when the blood faces a deficit of Red Blood Cells or Erythrocytes. The RBC or Red blood cells are the carriers of oxygen in the body. They help in the exchange of carbon-dioxide from the tissues with the oxygen from the lungs. Hence, a deficiency of RBC results in paleness, tiredness, palpitations, chest ache, etc. The frequency of Anaemia during pregnancy is greater in women because of the extra demand for iron and vitamins. To nourish the developing fetus the mother’s body has to generate more of erythrocytes which are produced in the bone marrow. There can be various reasons for this condition like low iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 in the diet or loss of blood due to other ailments.

However, Anaemia treatment is not a complicated process. The expectant mother should consult her doctor for guidance. At the same time, it is also important to be careful and avoid complications like constipation, diarrhea which can occur which could harm the child. Co-operate with details about your lifestyle and diet with your doctor. Vitamins, minerals and a healthy diet are the easy methods for Anaemia treatment and a healthy child when you have Anaemia during pregnancy.

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